If we were to be honest, our operations in 2021 started on somewhat shaky ground but this enabled us to focus on what was needed and provide it by the end of that year. 2022 was the year we built on our newfound knowledge of what was wanted in the Community, and took Community engagement to a new level.
Here is a quick look back at what we achieved in the year..
Average Numbers
Our numbers grew from an average of 7 guests each day to an average of 15 per day during the year, with the launch of our Friday family night proving successful. It is strange to think that just as we were

thinking of stopping our evenings due to lack of guests, we had a sudden influx of people making it a viable use of time and resources.
Heart of the Community also registered with Wiltshire Council as a warm space, providing a warm, safe space to help with the heat or eat dilemma faced by many as a result of the cost of living crisis.
Some of our guests took the opportunity of talking to Radio Wiltshire
telling reporter Karen Gardner why the Centre means so much to them.

The interview highlighted the number of organisations that Heart of the Community collaborates with, including Virgin Media, The Rise Trust, Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living, Calne Singers, Calne Lions and local businesses.

With our increasing numbers and the diversity they brought, it was challenging to find activities that they all enjoyed participating in. This was helped by suggestions from our guests. We are delighted that Seated Sports continues alongside Singing from the Heart, Hooks, Books and Needles and Express yourself through Art.
While Heart of the Community may not be everyone's cup of tea,

we are delighted that the guests who stay form amazing friendships. We acknowledge that this reflects that while families fall out, they can also stick together. Friends are the family that you choose, and a core group of our guests have expressed that Heart of the Community is more than just a friendship group, it is an extension of their family, and that they would not know how they would manage without it.
Volunteers and Management Board
Any Organisation would see a drop in volunteers, and Heart of the Community is no different. We were sorry to lose 2 volunteers due to other commitments, but delighted to welcome on board 3 others whose training begins in the new year.

Heart of the Community are also delighted to state that its management board grew from what was known as the 'fab four' to what we hope will be the 'famous five'.
The trustees and volunteers represent a diverse background in terms of academic achievements, financial background, mental health awareness and belief. This helps the organisation better understand the guests we help and serve.
One of the projects set up this year was the Ukrainian Group, SN11 Calne Welcomes Ukranians.

This project formed part of our inclusion policy and through it around 150 Vodafone sim cards were distributed to allow stronger communication between the community, SN11 Calne Welcomes Ukrainians were instrumental in bringing ESOL classes to Calne. From the social perspective, there were four evening meals, in addition to the weekly Coffee Mornings (in collaboration with Mr John Boaler) taking place.
We were also delighted to host the Ukrainian Independence Day Celebration where Mayor Trotman and the Mayoress were present.
Family events
During the year Heart of the Community held a number of family activities including an Easter Egg Hunt and Community BBQ, a buffet to celebrate the late Queens Platinum Jubilee and the Community Christmas Lunch.

Each of these events were well attended with over 30 guests at each one of diverse backgrounds. These activities could not have taken place without the financial assistance of Calne Lions and Virgin Media.
We are grateful for their financial support.
What's our plans for 2023?
We are aware that we have missed some of our popular 2021 activities, so with some financial help and the human resources, we are hoping that 2023 will see:

Ukranian Christmas Meal (January)
Thankyou Meal (February)
Easter Activities (April)
Coronation Party (May)
Summer Break Family Activities (August)
Spooky Party (October)
Community Christmas Lunch (December)
Why not join us?
If you want to be part of an amazing team why not join our volunteers and become part of our family. If time is an issue for you, but you would like to help in some other way, please contact us for a chat.
