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Flamin' June


Wow, what a month it has been! A month full of ups and downs.

At the start of the month, Heart of the Community opted not to take on the lease of Lloyds Bank in the High Street, because of the terms of the lease. Our downheartedness was not to last too long though, as we opted to hire Colemans Farm Community Centre instead. Heart of the Community is relocating there on 5th July, initially as a safe space for people to meet in the afternoons (2pm - 4pm), The trustees are aware that there may be a demand for longer opening hours, and will assess the situation on an ongoing basis.


The need for the such a space was highlighted after two of the trustees completed a mental health awareness course, and realised the importance a neutral, safe place that people could go too. The importance of having a designated lead safeguarding officer also became apparent, so a course was found and completed to ensure that Heart of the Community could have such a person.


Following an arduous 14 week process, with numerous questions, Heart of the Community registered with the Charities Commission as an Incorporated Charitable Organisation.


During the month of June Heart of the Community were awarded grants and donations totalling £11,600. Our grateful thanks to the following donors:

Anonymous Donor: £1,000 to ensure that Heart of the Community could cover 2 months rent, without dipping into their reserves.

Wiltshire Community Fund: £600 to strengthen the trustees knowledge base and ensure policies are robust.

National Funding Lottery: £10,000 to cover running costs for the year.


What started as a bleak month has certainly finished on a high,

and we are looking forward to building a team that can serve the community in the future.

If you would like to be part of that team, why not ping us an email

and we will get back to you asap.

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