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Marching into Spring


Some changes were made to our activities during February, but there are more changes afoot..

Keep an eye on our social media for further details...


News in Brief

Heart of the Community are delighted that another new volunteer has passed her level 2 Food Handling and her Allergen Awareness courses, and there are two DBS checks in progress.

We are delighted to have had a couple more prospective volunteers come forward, but to enable us to extend our hours, additional volunteers would be appreciated.

The administrative tasks to ensure good governance and safeguarding procedures are ongoing.

We would also like to thank the kind donor that came foreword earlier this month with the anonymous donation that was gratefully received.


Forthcoming Events

In the Krafty Korner we are delighted to be able to say that our macramé sessions are thriving, and that, in collaboration with our tutor we have decided to create a different project each month.

Starting every Monday from the 14th March, we will be making coasters. The sessions start at 11.15am and run until 2pm, with the opportunity for refreshments at 11am, and throughout the day.

Also in the Krafty Korner, our lovely volunteers will be making Mother's Day Cards and Easter Cards.

The Mother's Day Cards will be made on 17th and 23rd March from 2pm.

The focus on Easter Cards will take place at the end of the month.


We are delighted to have launched our Afternoon Tea, this allows our guests the opportunity of an amazing spread of various sandwiches and cakes made by our gourmet cook.

This feast can be enjoyed every Tuesday at 2pm, followed by a singalong until 4pm.


If you feel that there has been an overindulgence with afternoon tea, then why not come along to Seated Sports.

Heart of the Community is encouraged to see the growth in people attending the Wiltshire Council Initiative, Healthier Communities.

The day offers the opportunity of preparing a meal to suit your taste, followed by an hour of seated sports make for a fun filled Friday.

Seated Sports takes place on a weekly basis.



Heart of the Community recognises that some of our service users may find it difficult to reach us. With this in mind, we offer a lift, free of charge, to and from Colemans Farm for those with mobility issues.

Please contact us if you would like a lift.


A big thank you to caring community of Calne, and for the numerous bags of donations for the Ukrainian refugees.

One car load was taken to Westbury and they are currently organising its transportation to Poland.

Another car load was taken to Swindon today, where they will be collected to start their journey to those in needs via the Red Cross.

As long as their is a distribution centre within a 20 mile radius, we will continue to act as drop off point.


Volunteers needed

Our vision is to offer a weekly breakfast club and a film night and evening activity sessions. To enable us to expand and reach our 2022 goals, we could do with more help.

We are always looking for new volunteers to take some of the burden from our current volunteers and to enable us to fulfil our vision. Please contact us if you are interested in joining our friendly team.


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